Transformational Shamanic Healing


You Can & Will

Transformation ALL area’s of your life!! Let’s build your DREAM REALITY!

You will be able to understand yourself & the world around you. Bringing you into a feeling of wholeness & connection!

If you are a new client and have never had a session with me before.

We start with a double session!

This is because the first session always takes longer.

We are then able to get as much done as possible to get you started.

This will course correct you onto your new vibration and shift you onto your

path to live your ultimate dream reality. 

Shamanic Transformational Session 90 Mins: £130 

Discounted Transformational Sessions Sets of 3: £88

Option 3: Full Transformational Coaching Package!

Option 3 includes:

Working with me for 6 months Intensively.

This is live sessions with me, supported by an online video educational coaching programme. This will teach you tools and techniques of self development, so that you can use them in every day life to speed up your transformational 10X

If you wish to find out more about working with me intensively with the help of a structured course, using exercises, and homework tasks for your to complete! Find out more about yourself in 6 months than you have your entire life. Never look back and begin living your dreams NOW! Then direct message me for more information.  

This option is only offered to a select few people. And you need to be an existing client and have had at least 1 double healing with me first. 

Send me the free video series to find out...

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